Thursday, 13 March 2014

Reading List :/ Glad to have finally found this! I am in the right direction! Yes. THANKS *

"Astrology is knocking at the gates of our universities: A Tübingen professor has switched over to astrology and a course on astrology was given at Cardiff University last year. Astrology is not mere superstition but contains some psychological facts (like theosophy) which are of considerable importance. Astrology has actually nothing to do with the stars but is the 5000-year-old psychology of antiquity and the Middle Ages. - C.G. Jung in a letter to L. in C.G. Jung, Letters, vol. 1, 1973
Scientific Studies in Relation to Astrology
Adderley, E.E. and Bowen, E.G. “Lunar component in precipitation.” Science, 1962, 137, 749—751.
Andrews, E.J. “Moon Talk.” Journal of the Florida State Medical Association, 1961, 46 1362—1366.
Barry, H. “Month of Birth as related to psychiatric conditions. A.M.A. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 1956, 37—38.
Barry, H. and Barry, J. “Season of Birth. An epidemiological study in psychiatry.” Archives of General Psychiatry, 1961, 5, 100—108.
Bailar, J.C. and Gurian, J. “Congenital malformations and season of birth.” Eugenics Quarterly, 1965, 12, 146—153.
Bigg, E.K. “Influence of the planet mercury on sunspots.” Astronomical Journal, 1967, 72, 463—468.
Bradley, D. Woodbury, M. and Brier, G. “Lunar synodical period and widespread precipitation.” Science, 1962, 137, 748—749.
Brown, F.A. “Propensity for lunar periodicity in hamsters and its significance for biological clock theories.” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 1965, 120, 792—797.
Brown, F.A., Webb, M.M. and Bennett, M.K. “Proof for an endogenous component in persistent solar and lunar rhythmicity in organisms.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 1955, 41, 93—100.
Burr, H.S. “Electromagnetic studies in women with malignancy of cervix.” Science, 1947, 105, 209.
Burr, H.S. The Fields of Life (N.Y., 1973).
Burrows, W. “Periodic spawning of pablo worms in Pacific waters.” Nature, 1945, 155, 47—48.
Charles, E. “The Hour of Birth.” British Journal of Preventative Social Medicine, 1953, 7, 43—59.
Clayton, H.H. “Auroras and Sunspots.” Terrestrial Magnetism and Atmospheric Electricity, 1940, 45, 13—17.
Cowgill, Y.M. “Season of birth in man.” Ecology, 1966, 47, 614—618.
Cowgill, Y.M., Bishop, A., Andrew, R.J., Hutchinson, G.E. “An apparent lunar periodicity in the sexual cycle of certain prosimians.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 1962, 48. 232—241.
Dahlen, Per. “Month of birth and schizophrenia.” Acta psychiatnica Scandinavia, 1968, 203, 55—60.
Davis, A.R. and Rawls, W.C. Magnetism and its Effects On The Living System (N.Y., 1974).
Dewey, E.R. Cycles (N.Y., 1971).
Dewey, E.R. “A possible key to sunspot-planetary relationships.” Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research, 1975, 6, 175—184.
Edwards, J. “Season and rate of conception.” Nature, 1938, 148, 357.
Fox, H.M. “Lunar periodicity of reproduction.” Nature, 1932, 130, 23.
Friedman, 1-1., Becker, R. and Bachrnan, C. “Geomagnetic parameters and psychiatric hospital admissions.” Nature, 1963, 200, 626—627.
Gauquelin, M. The Cosmic Clocks (Chicago, 1967).
Gauquelin, M. The Scientific Study of Astrology (N.Y., 1969).
Gribbin, J. “Planetary alignments, solar activity and climatic change.” Nature, 1973, 246, 403—405.
Gribbin, J.R. and Plagemann, S.H. The Jupiter Effect (N.Y., 1974).
Hare, E.H. and Price, J.S. “Mental disorder and season of birth: Comparison of psychoses with neuroses.” British Journal of Psychiatry, 1963, 115, 533—540.
Hare, E.H., Price, J.S. and Slater, E. “Schizophrenia and season of birth.” British Journal of Psychiatry, 1972, 120, 124—125.
Hare, E.H., Price, J.S., and Slater, E. “Mental disorder and season of birth.” Nature,
1973, 241, 480.
Hare, E., Price, J. and Slater, E. “Mental disorder and season of birth. A national sample compared with the general population.” British Journal of Psychiatry, 1974, 124, 81—86.
Hawkes, J. Man and the Sun (N.Y., 1962).
Hughes, D.W. “The inconstant sun.” Nature, 1977, 226, 405—406.
Huntington, E. Civilization and Climate (New Haven, 1924).
Huntington, E. Season of Birth. Its Relation to Human Abilities (N.Y., 1938).
James, W,H. “Schizophrenia and season of birth.” British Journal of Psychiatry, 1971, 119, 229—230.
James, W.H. “Social class and season of birth.” Journal of Biosocial Science, 1971, 3, 309—320.
J ohannson, B.W. “Myocardial infarction in Malmo.” Acta Medica Scandinavica, 1972, 191, 505—515.
King, J.W. “Solar radiation changes and the weather.” Nature, 1973, 137, 433—444.
King, J.W. “Weather and the Earth’s Magnetic Field.” Nature, 1974, 247, 131—134.
Knobloch, H. and Pasamanick, B. “Seasonal variation in the birth of the mentally deficient.” American Journal of Public Health, 1958, 48, 1201—1206.
Koebler, K. and Jacoby, C. “Season of birth and Schneider-Oriented diagnosis of schizophrenia.” Archives für Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankeiten, 1976, 223, 69—75.
Kolisko, L. The Moon and The Growth of Plants. Anthroposophical Agricultural Foundation (Brag-on-Thames, 1936).
Krupinski, J., Stoller, A. and King, D. “Season of birth in schizophrenia: An Australian study.” Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 1976, 10, 311—314.
Lester, D., Brockopp, G.W. and Priebe, K. “Association between a full moon and completed suicide.” Psychological Reports, 1969, 25, 598.
Lieber, H.L. and Sherin, C.R. “Homicides and the lunar cycle.” American Journal of Psychiatry, 1972, 129, 69—74.
Lilienfeld, D.M. “Lunar effect on mental illness.” American Journal of Psychiatry,1969, 125, 1454.
Malek, J., Greich, J. and Maly, V. “Characteristics of the daily rhythm of menstruation and labor.” Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1962, 98, 1042—1046.
McCartney, J.L. “Seasonal variation in psychiatric illness.” Psychosornatics, 1962, 3, 312—316.
Menaker, W. and Menaker, A. “Lunar periodicity in human reproduction.” American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1959, 78, 905—909.
Mills, C.A. Medical Climatology (Springfield, III., 1939).
Milstein, V., Small, J.G., Shelbourne, D. and Small, J.F. “Manic depressive illness: Onset diurnal temperature and season of birth.” Diseases of Nervous System, 1976, 37, 373—375.
Norris, A.S. and Chowning, J.R. “Season of birth and mental illness.” Archives of General Psychiatry, 1962, 7, 206—212.
Odegard, 0. “Season of birth in the general population and in patients with mental disorder in Norway.” British Journal of Psychiatry, 1974, 125, 397—405.
Osborn, R.D. “The moon and the mental hospital.” Journal of Psychiatric Nursing,
1962, 6, 88—93.
Osseukopp, K.P. and Ossenkopp, M.D. “Self-inflicted injuries and the lunar cycle.” Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research, 1973, 4, 337—348.
Ott, J. Health and Light (N.Y., 1976).
Parker, C. and Neilson, M. “Mental disorder and season of birth—a Southern hemisphere study.” British Journal of Psychiatry, 1976, 129, 355 361.
Pasamanick, B. and Knobloch, H. “Seasonal variation in the births of the mentally deficient—a reply.” American Journal of Public Health, 1960, 50, 1737—1742.
Piccardi, G. The Chemical Basis of Medical Climatology (Springfield, Iii., 1962).
Pile, W.J. “A study of the correlation between dementia praecox and month of birth.” Virginia Medical Monthly 1951, 78, 438—440.
Ravitz, J. J. “Electrodynamic field theory in psychiatry.” Southern Medical Journal, 1953, 46, 650—660.
Ravitz, L.J. “Comparative clinical and electrocyclic observations in twin brothers.” Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases, 1955, 121, 72—87.
Rippmann, E.G. “The moon and the birth rate.” American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1957, 74, 148—150.
Rosenberg, R.L. and Colman, F.J. “27-day cycle in the rainfall at Los Angeles.” Science, 1974, 250, 48 1—483.
Rush, A.K. Moon, Moon (Berkeley, Cal., 1976).186
Sarton, C. “Lunar influences on living things.” Isis, 1939, 30, 498—507.
Schnurman, A.G. “The effect of the moon on childbirth.” Virginia Medical Monthly,1949, 76, 78.
Schuster, A. “The influence of planets on the formation of sunspots.” Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 1910, 85, 309.
Shimura, M., Nakamura, I. and Miura, T. “Season of birth of schizophrenics in Tokyo, Japan,” Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica, 1977, 55, 225—232.
Soyka, F. and Edmonds, A. The Ion Effect (N.Y., 1977).
Sterling, T.D. “Seasonal variations in the birth of the mentally deficient.” American Journal of Public Health, 1960, 50, 955—965.
Stetson, H.T. Sunspots in Action (N.Y., 1947).
Tchijevsky, A.L. “Physical factors of the historical process.” Cycles, 1971, 22, 11—21.
Tempkin, 0. The Failing Sickness (Baltimore, 1971).
Tromp, SW. and Weihe, H. (eds.) Biometeorology (N.Y., 1967).
Videbech, T., Weeke, A. and Dupont, A. “Endogenous psychoses and season of birth.”
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 1974, 50,202—2 18.
Volland, FT. “Can sunspots influence our weather?” Nature, 1977, 269, 409—410.
Watson, L. Supernature (London, 1974).
Winkless, N. and Browning, I. Climate And The Affairs of Men (N.Y., 1975).
Wood, K.D. “Sunspots and planets.” Nature, 1972, 240, 91—92.
Woodrugg, R.A., Guze, S.B. and Clayton, P.J. “Psychiatric illness and season of birth.” American Journal of Psychiatry, 1974, 131, 925—926.

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