Friday, 28 March 2014

Mayan Symbolism

March 29 is 12 Akb'al/Aq'ab'al. Today presents an interesting mix of energies: Akb’al embodies potential and La Ka represents a full accounting of things already lived and done. But because we are in the Trecena of Eb, the nagual of all roads, the apparent chasm between potential and realized experience becomes one continuous line rendering the relativity of time immaterial. In other words, you can express and experience all of the collective potential of your life at any moment, but especially so today.
Mayan Rosetta Stone:
Eb rules this current Trecena (13 days starting Mar 18). For details on this trecena, see
 or p. 194 of our companion book "The Serpent and the Jaguar."
Akb'al = The Tzolkin day sign for "Night", "House" or "Hearth" in Yucatec Maya.
Aq'ab'al = The K'iche' Maya equivalent of "Akb'al."
La Ka = The Number 12 in Yucatec.
Kablajuj = The Number 12 in K'iche'.

Saturday, 22 March 2014

Last Quarter Moon

A Supportive Last Quarter Moon
Sunday evening’s Last Quarter Moon, taking place as it does in the context of the profound spiral development of transformational energy that has been coming on all this year, adds focus to the already intense journey in which we are currently engaged. This closing phase of the lunar cycle represents a time of looking more deeply into whatever we have going on; and this is especially so with Mars still moving retrograde through Libra, and in forming aspect with stolid Saturn, lending substance to our vision for our future selves. In fact we are all changing, at times with great rapidity, into a new someone that we only distantly know at this present moment, and yet whom we are becoming more and more familiar with as we pass through the hoops, jumps and re-starts of this difficult decade...

Thursday, 20 March 2014

"All meditation must begin with arousing deep compassion. Whatever one does must emerge from an attitude of love and benefitting others."
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Clan Designs

Individual Celtic-inspired designs were created that represent each clan in Brave. Which was your favorite?
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Numerologist - geometric pattern

Don't let imaginary restrictions hold you back.
For tips on conscious living through numbers visit our blog at
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Vernal Equinox

9 hrs · 
Today is the vernal equinox. Read more about this phenomena in Star Walk:

Renato Lourenço

Sacred Geometry

Mucha and Tarot Cards

The Arts
The Arts (series) by Alphonse Mucha 
"Mucha discarded traditional attributes such as musical instruments, paintbrushes and quills. Instead he emphasised the creative inspiration of natural beauty by giving each of the arts a circular backdrop featuring a motif from nature indicating a particular time of day: for Dance falling leaves blown by a morning breeze; for Painting a red flower encircled by rainbows in fresh daylight; for Poetry the evening star shining in the sky at dusk; for Music the song of birds at moonrise.”